phew! what a ride!
MOD3 was really a ride. I feel like people made it seem like after the research article life was easy and that is INCORRECT. While MOD3 was no where near as brutal as MOD2, I still put a ridiculous amount of hours into the research proposal. The best part of the research proposal, for me, was working with my lab partner on it. In between practice runs of our presentation we played phenomenal music (including but not limited to Breaking Free and Love Story). It was really fun to have a partner to support you during the process and it helped me hold myself to a higher standard than I do sometimes when it's just me. Having a lab partner that you both enjoy being around and also trust and respect is a major key to having an enjoyable 109 experience.
And with that 109 is basically over (except for the mini-report - another "easy" thing that is actually hard and time consuming?? the world may never know)!!! This class has been crazy. I have felt myself grow so much as a scientist and engineer in ways I could not have predicted. It has actually been one of my favorite classes so far at MIT. I feel a lot more confident in my abilities to do science things and take on additionally responsibilities as a researcher. I also finally feel like an engineer (I have been watching my course 2 friends build things all semester and felt like I, too, should be building things despite the fact that building things out of wood is not my passion). I am really excited to take the skills I learned in 109 and apply them to my research and life outside of 109.
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