Communication 101

109 was a soft-skills class... A much needed soft-skills class. 

As much as I liked the lab component of 109, learning how to communicate science effectively was definitely the most valuable thing I got out of the class. I could have just read papers and UROPed to learn about the topics we covered in class, however there is no way I could have gotten as much practice communicating without this class. After surviving 109 I feel confident in my ability to write about science, as well as my ability to give a presentation on the topic. While I certainly am not ready to defend a thesis, or present a research proposal to a real panel quite yet, I am much more confident in my abilities than I was before. 

Also, learning how to make figures payed off. I had to make some for my UROP, and it felt good to be able to represent a semester's worth of hard work into figures without my supervisor's guidance. 

Thanks to all involved in the behind-the-scenes of the class. I'm sure there was a lot going on that we weren't aware of.

Until next time,

Pedro La Rotta


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