Apparently thinking for myself can be kinda fun
I never thought I would enjoy coming up with a research proposal so much. As soon as I saw that we would be graded on creativity, I was concerned that we wouldn't be able to come up with anything "novel" enough. Between classes and lab, I haven't had to scientifically think in the creative sense. Concepts and projects are usually presented to me processed and ready for assembly and/or consumption. How do I even start writing a recipe?
I shouldn't have worried. My partner and I came up with so many grandiose and fun ideas, our bigger problem was figuring out how to make them feasible. It was after many rounds of talking to Noreen, talking to Prof. Belcher, talking to my former UROP mentor (since my UROP inspired the idea for my project), and reading up papers to that our idea reached its final form. The process was, much to my surprise, exhilarating and satisfying. By the end, I was quite emotionally invested in our research proposal. It felt like a project I would actually want to try executing (casually ignoring the budget and high biosafety level it would need). This was our brain-child, and ya gotta be proud of your child cuz who else will be if you aren't.
I shouldn't have worried. My partner and I came up with so many grandiose and fun ideas, our bigger problem was figuring out how to make them feasible. It was after many rounds of talking to Noreen, talking to Prof. Belcher, talking to my former UROP mentor (since my UROP inspired the idea for my project), and reading up papers to that our idea reached its final form. The process was, much to my surprise, exhilarating and satisfying. By the end, I was quite emotionally invested in our research proposal. It felt like a project I would actually want to try executing (casually ignoring the budget and high biosafety level it would need). This was our brain-child, and ya gotta be proud of your child cuz who else will be if you aren't.
I can't wait for the chance to develop another brain-child (maybe my UROP will let me? hopefully?) Perhaps the little girl in me who used to be so excited about biology and research hasn't is still alive after all. This semester's classes didn't finish her off; hopefully next semester's won't either.
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