An Ode to 20.109

I know we've all said multiple times, but it really can't be said enough. We're finally hear, at the very end of 20.109. Research proposal presentations are over, last mini-report is in the process. And yet, it still feels like I submitted my very first M1 research article literally yesterday.

Looking back at the semester, I really made it through 20.109 day by day. With the constant workflow  of homework assignments, quizzes and managing the ever escalating levels of stress, I rarely found time to step back and realize just how much we have accomplished.

From learning new lab techniques, to building a strong with my lab partner and forever friend Tooba, to become a common visitor at the BE communications lab to  fan-girling over the one and only Angela Belcher, this semester has been filled with lots of growth and a whole lot of life.          

20.109 has been one of the hardest things I've done so far. As I worked on reports and presentations late into the night, I often found myself thinking that I would take a pset over this any day. But as we made it through day by day, module by module, I realized just what all I was capable of. That there was always room for communicating a bit better.

Just as big of a challenge as 20.109 was for me and my peers, I know it's been a whole lot of work for the faculty, teaching staff and the TAs. For the endless support, empathy and snacks, I say thank you.              


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