20.109, I think I might sorta kinda remember you fondly, hopefully. Possibly? Maybe.

It's done. It's over. 20.109 is over. All those night, all those hours spent staring at blank documents. They're over. I'm not sure how I feel yet honestly. I've always been slow to process things (much to lab partner's annoyance) , and this is no less. I feel relived I guess. I don't know.

The project proposal, and mod 3 in general, made us look at the greater context of biological engineering. From designing our own experiments to exploring a novel use of phages, I think module three is by far my favorite.

I guess I would like to first shout out W/F blue team and my partner, jsyao. It's been real. Thanks for everything, from the swipes to enduring my semi-lucid state. I think we are greater than the sum of our parts (laughs in mod 2). We are class-A team. don't @ me.

For the assignment itself, I felt that it was pretty fun. We got to pick something that pique our curiosity and try to create something viable from it (although 50 years of literature tell us it's folly). I think it was fun exploring the in vitro genesis of blood cells despite some reservation and trying to come up with something unique.

I mean it wasn't all fine. I did the presentation with a swollen left tonsil, and speaking kinda sucked.

Overall, I think 20.109 taught me a lot of things and helped me grow as a researcher. It taught me how to communicate in a scientifically literate and professional way. It showed me how to synthesize something from an existing body of work. It taught me various lab techniques I would have never learned in my UROP. It taught me how to read papers, and how to work with others in very stressful environment. It taught me to start on things early. It taught me that even if my left arm is shattered in 10 different places, the show must go on (Hi Noreen!!!).

I think the reason that I didn't feel anything after submitting our mini-report Friday night and being officially done with 20.109 is that I think I might miss it. It certainly won't be the same without spending my Friday and Wednesday afternoon in the lab.


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