Post Assignment Slump

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After submitting my research article yesterday, I can say with full confidence that I have zero desire to do anything right now. I honestly don't think I've ever worked harder on or put more time into an assignment then I did this research article. That being said, I was proud of the work that I did but it's safe to say that it took a lot out of me.
Everyone always says that everything is on the wiki and they're right. Almost every question I had could be answered by finding a resource on the wiki. When I was writing the abstract or results or introduction, I just had to look to the Comm Lab slides and I knew exactly what kind of information I needed to put in each section. So my biggest tip would be to use the wiki. I'm also really happy that I started working on the assignment well ahead of time, so as I went through the process I was able to talk with my peers or with Leslie to ask any questions that I had about the data or what exactly I should be showing in my report.
Probably the one thing that I did that wasn't useful was to just try and write my research article and hope that it would all just come together by the end. I was making plots and writing results sections that I realized later on did not go together and I essentially had to go back and remake them. The biggest thing I wish I had done was to plan out my entire article before I started writing it, because I would have saved myself a lot of time.
Honestly, I'm just glad it's over.


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