White-boards and BREATHE

Every time I reread my article, I became more confused. I would think I understood, but then find that I couldn’t follow the steps that I thought I knew and understood. I felt like despite defining and understanding the “vocabulary” I was clueless to the actual happenings of the article. Luckily, I received a white board for FREE from SDS (10/10, would recommend).

I carried this mini-white board (and the beautiful colored markers) around with me for 5 days and mapped my article out. I mapped each section, then how the sections flowed together, then how different topics in the article I still didn’t understand was happening, and lastly which information I was going to actually present (because this article really had SO much). This was so critical for my ability to understand the information and present it in a digestible way.

Unfortunately, I was incredibly nervous about this presentation. And I am already kind of a spazzy person so when I got up to give my presentation I could tell that I was talking waaaaaay too fast and not as clearly and confidently as I wanted to. I would recommend that future 109ers take 3 deep breaths once they are up at the front, clicker in hand, and then press start on the timer. I feel like this can just help calm nerves in a way that is critical to presentation ability.


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