Mod 1 Data Summary Reflection

To start i'd like to share this advanced, high level, pro tip with you all:
Read the wiki so you don't end up doing paired work by yourself. Not really that much fun.

Overall the data summary was interesting in that is was fairly different from any scientific writing I had done in the past. In my previous UROP we weren't thinking too hard about the language we used on our poster and the writing for our website was done largely by others. Other course 20 classes don't really require any writing other than the occasional paragraph or 320 final project. Covering all sides of a report from abstract to figure captions to methods was definitely a learning experience.

For me the hardest part of any scientific writing is simply getting started. The actual amount of time I spent typing up the data summary wasn't that long, the majority of the time I dedicated to the data summary was spent staring at the screen and trying to think of what to write. Then once I finish I never feel like editing because I've spent so long working on whatever specific thing I was writing. Thinking about it now, I think this problem isn't just limited to scientific writing for me. I've found that outlining with bullet points helps alleviate the problem a tiny bit, but overall this is an issue I know I need to work on before the next data summary. At least future writing assignments in 109 won't be my first time writing up huge sections of text solo.


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