Hi all!
I really like 20.109 so far. Even though I have had experience in lab for urops etc., I found that a lot of protocols or explanations to be "oh we've always done it this way." I appreciate how this class teaches you the why's and how's very explicitly.

Now onto Mod 1 specific details:
I really like how we had to complete the data summary with our lab partners. While these experiments always have a general purpose or lesson to be learned, hearing my lab partner's perspective on what we've done or how he interpreted the data interests me. What I enjoy about science is that the data are always there, but the meaning and context of the data have to be studied and explained. Though I like discussing the data analysis, I absolutely dislike writing it (passive tense KILLS me), especially given that we have to be really precise with our wording. I definitely prefer big-picture idea to the small details. However, I have to say that writing the abstract was definitely the hardest part of the data summary. Writing the analysis, though tedious, is straightforward, especially with the help of my lab partner. The abstract though? There are  limitless possibilities to spin the story of the experiment, but only a small set of "rules" that the abstract has to adhere to. After micro-analyzing every single word of the abstract, my brain was absolutely fried. Definitely for future abstract writing, I want to have a concrete road-map of what the story of the experiment should be, before I start writing anything (and definitely, definitely, start way earlier and get as many people's opinion as possible, aka go to all the office hours).

-Leanne Wang


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